A Senior Community
- All residents must be over 55 years old
- No children or adults younger than 55 may live at the Chosen Spot
44 Apartments in 7 buildings
- Apartments are in groups of 4 which share an entrance and access hallway
- Nestled into a secluded spot near the intersection of N Bloomfield Rd and Buffalo Rd in the city of Canandaigua, New York
Why do you like living here? (As described by the residents)
- Quiet
- 55+ advantages
- Friendly, Great neighbors
- Secluded
- Convenient to city services including: Dr’s, restaurants, etc
What are the monthly utility bills for a 2 bedroom , 2 bathroom apartment? Do all the units come with storage space?
Marlene Exner
Heat and hot water, water, trash and sewer are in the rent. Resident only pays electric RGE which is about $35 to $40 per month and Spectrum for internet, cable service. Storage? – Yes, each apmt includes a small storage unit.
Bob Taylor
585 721 1271